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Great Reads for Good Food

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Is There a COVID-19 Vaccine on the Horizon? What You Need to Know Now

You do not have to be following the news closely to know that one of the leading headlines this week is the impending arrival of a COVID-19 vaccine. While there has been no vaccine that has moved past the...

COVID-19 Triggers Stress and Mental Health Problems in Teens

More than 45% of high school students report feeling stressed from school and the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is from a new survey released on Friday, February 5. Virtual learning is still taking place for ...

COVID-19 Pandemic Leads to Large Drop in Adult Vaccination Rates

The COVID-19 pandemic has been at the head of public health concerns for about one year. However, there are some other concerning issues that also need to be addressed. Adults are slacking on getting vaccinated...

A significant percentage of your health problems are related to your lifestyle. Therefore, you can prevent life-threatening diseases like cancer, stro...

Living a healthier life starts with making a few changes to what you eat and some of your activities. Then, follow the s...

One Year Since the Pandemic Began. What Do We Know Now That We Didn't Then?

It has officially been one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic. Since that time, the world has been turned upside-down with over 2.6 million deaths a...

How the COVID-19 Vaccine Was Able to Be Pushed Through So Quickly

It is understandable that some people are skeptical about the effectiveness and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. When a vaccine arrives in a record amount of time, it is natural to wonder how this was made pos...

Looking to Lose the COVID-19 Weight? Try These Small and Achievable Steps

Do not get down on yourself if you have put on some weight over the last year. Recent studies show that an overwhelming amount of Americans gained some extra pounds during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemi...

There are different aspects of wellness that are more than working out and eating healthy food. Even though the two take a significant percentage of y...

Numerous dimensions of wellness have different benefits to your health. However, when combined, you can realize faster r...

Heat is on the Way. How You Can Stay Cool Without Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is a luxury that not everyone has access to. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more difficult to find relief from the heat with so many public spaces operating at a limited capa...