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Great Reads for Good Food

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CDC Updates Social Distancing Guidelines for School Wellness

Since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020, public health authorities have strongly encouraged people to maintain "social distancing" of six feet. This means not standing closer than ...

Breathing Exercises for Stress

Your stress levels are tied directly to your overall wellness and there's really no way around that fact. The more stressed out you are, the worse you will ultimately feel. That's not only because stress brings with it feelings of anxiety, ma...

Working From Home: How to Stay Healthy and Happy

There are many people who are now working from home, whether due to COVID-19 or by personal choice. While working from home offers some benefits, like less exposure to germs and saving on commuting costs, it can also come with...

Prediabetes is on the Rise - Why This is Happening and What Can be Done

According to recent data published in JAMA Pediatrics, a new study reveals that the incidence of prediabetes has more than doubled since the year 1999. The new figures detail that 28% of individuals b...

Listeria Outbreak Have You Concerned? Here is What You Need to Know

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially warned Americans of a listeria outbreak last week. The individuals impacted by this outbreak thus far are either living in Florida or hav...

Think That We Are Out of the Woods with COVID-19? You Better Think Again

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, you have surely heard various experts weigh in on the inevitably of the second surge of the COVID-19 virus. The deadly virus has already killed mor...

What to Do if Someone in Your Household Tests Positive for COVID-19

It is understandable to be concerned if somebody in your home tests positive for COVID-19. Not only do you need to care for the patient, but you also need to do what you can to protect yourself and the othe...

8 Easy Ways to Focus on Wellness During the Holiday Season

The 2020 holiday season isn't going to look like any other holiday season in memory. As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, there is a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. The United Kingdom started inoculating ...

Struggling with Your Morning Routine? How to Kick it Into Gear This Fall

You are not alone if you have had a difficult time adjusting to a morning routine lately. With kids all across the nation back in school full time and many workers leaving the convenience of the home o...