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Great Reads for Good Food

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How to Spot and Treat Squamous Cell Carcinoma Before it Becomes Deadly

With the 4th of July weekend kicking off, the summer season is well underway. As more people head outside to soak up the beauty and warmth of this time of year, it is imperative that you understand the d...

Another COVID-19 Surge Coming Soon? Here is How You Can Prepare

After a rough summer, it appears that COVID-19 cases in the US are starting to level off and turn downward. However, health experts caution that a second wave of the virus is nearly imminent. With many schools ...

CDC Drastically Changes Guidance on COVID-19 Testing, Leaving Many Confused

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come under fire over the last few days after quietly changing the recommendations regarding when individuals should seek a test for COVID-19....

How Social Media May Be Upsetting Your Mental and Emotional Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of life. The way that people interact with social media and the influence that it exerts on everyday life is no different. Complicating the changes and e...

The Long-Awaited COVID-19 Vaccine is Here. What About the Side Effects?

All across the world, millions of people are receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The race to produce the first approved vaccine went to Pfizer with more pharmaceutical companies now in lin...

Do You Have Long-Haul COVID-19? Here is What You Can Do to Recover Quickly

One of the most perplexing elements of the COVID-19 virus is how most people recover within a few weeks while others battle the effects and symptoms of the virus for months. The medical community has...

Want to Share Your Excitement About Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine? Think Again

You cannot get on social media these days without seeing snapshots of COVID-19 vaccination cards. It is understandable that people are excited to share the good news when they are lucky enough t...

About to Get Your Second COVID-19 Shot? How to Manage the Side Effects

Every day, thousandsร‚ย of Americans are receiving their second shot of the coveted COVID-19 vaccine. For most people, the second shot is what triggers the more severe side effects. While some people rep...

What Happens When You Start Going to Therapy

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of many Americans has suffered. A lot of people have sought mental health counseling or medication for the first time. Some people who used to have a mental health provider sough...