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2020 Have You Down? This is Why You Need to Establish a Wellness Routine

If your head is spinning these days, you can take comfort in knowing that you are certainly not alone. The year 2020 started on a somber note with the shocking death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant. F...

Plagued With Hives? Here is What You Need to Know About This Condition

Known by the clinical term of urticaria in medical circles, hives are red and itchy welts that form from a skin reaction. Welts can vary greatly in size and intensity and may come and go depending on ext...

How to Spot and Treat Squamous Cell Carcinoma Before it Becomes Deadly

With the 4th of July weekend kicking off, the summer season is well underway. As more people head outside to soak up the beauty and warmth of this time of year, it is imperative that you understand the d...

Think You Might Have COVID-19? It May Just Be Your Nasal Polyps

With so much worry about the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable if you may think that every type of cold symptom is a sign of the virus. Because COVID-19 presents with a wide array of symptoms, it can be c...

New CDC Guidance Illustrates How COVID-19 Can Spread Through the Air

It is understandable if your head is spinning with all of the changing guidelines regarding the COVID-19 virus. Just Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially announced that t...

Experiencing Stiff Neck, Back Pain, and Spasms? You May Have Tech Neck

The world has been suffering from a host of ill effects as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis. One of the most little-known effects of so many people working and studying from home is the phy...

What to Expect in Biden's First 100 Days to Fight the COVID-19 Crisis

Earlier this week, President-elect Joe Biden outlined his goals for his first 100 days in office. Dating back to the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the incoming president has used these first few months i...

It's Okay to Not Feel Festive This Holiday Season

The divisive presidential election, COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty have hit people hard this year. As 2020 comes to a close, the holiday season is upon us. This is usually a time of year for people to gather with ...

How to Cope With the Stress of Civil Unrest

In mid-2020, protests about the deaths of African Americans were organized by Black Lives Matter groups across the United States. Other groups protested local and state mandates around wearing masks as a safeguard against COVID-19....