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Great Reads for Good Food

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Ready to Eat Out Again? Here is What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Dining

With all 50 states now in some stage of re-opening, more and more people are hitting up their favorite restaurant as they attempt to return to some sense of normalcy. While eating out is not inheren...

Think You Might Have COVID-19? It May Just Be Your Nasal Polyps

With so much worry about the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable if you may think that every type of cold symptom is a sign of the virus. Because COVID-19 presents with a wide array of symptoms, it can be c...

Wondering How to Safely Celebrate Halloween? Here Are Some Do's and Don'ts

With the onset of fall officially here, many children are beginning to wonder if they will still be able to enjoy Halloween festivities this year. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has certainly put into...

Are These Five Tips the Answer to Making Wellness More Culturally Inclusive?

For many years, the wellness community has had a big inclusivity problem. Of course most wellness enthusiasts are not actively racist, but there can be a lot of small misunderstandings that keep man...

Holiday Plans in Flux Because of COVID-19? How to Manage This Gracefully

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic has left the upcoming holiday season in flux. Many states have gone so far as to restrict people from gathering outside of their immediate households. Most recently, th...

Spring Has Sprung and So Have Seasonal Allergies. Or is it COVID-19?

It is that time of the year again. Everything is in bloom, sending seasonal allergy sufferers scrambling to find relief from the elements of spring. What was once an accepted nuisance by many is now soundi...

What Happens When You Start Going to Therapy

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of many Americans has suffered. A lot of people have sought mental health counseling or medication for the first time. Some people who used to have a mental health provider sough...

Speaking with Your Doctor About the Vaccine

Speaking with Your Doctor About the Vaccine If one were to judge what's happening in America based on what the television and mainstream Internet news says, one would reach the conclusion that America is a horribly racist place wh...

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers Carpal tunnel syndrome inflicts millions of people every year and causes numbness, tingling, and sometimes even a dull, aching pain (like arthritis) in the hands and fingers. This happens ...