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Great Reads for Good Food

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Prediabetes is on the Rise - Why This is Happening and What Can be Done

According to recent data published in JAMA Pediatrics, a new study reveals that the incidence of prediabetes has more than doubled since the year 1999. The new figures detail that 28% of individuals b...

Is the Pandemic Over? Here is the Latest on the COVID-19 Health Crisis

With a major war raging in Ukraine and all of the dire economic predictions, it is no wonder that news about COVID-19 has fallen out of the headlines. However, it is important to recognize that the world...

Benefits of Eating Less Meat

Many people are unaware of the benefits of eating less meat. Eating less meat can have many different benefits for your health and the environment. You'll do your body a favor by eating less meat, as it can help reduce your risk of heart d...

Listeria Outbreak Have You Concerned? Here is What You Need to Know

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially warned Americans of a listeria outbreak last week. The individuals impacted by this outbreak thus far are either living in Florida or hav...

Food Stamps: The Nutritional Benefits of Food Stamps to the American Population

Food stamps provide an essential safety net for the American population, ensuring no one goes hungry. But food stamps also offer nutritional benefits, providing low-income Americans access to hea...

Alaskans Don't Know Where Their Food Stamps Went

In the state of Alaska, most people are very hard-working and do the sorts of jobs a lot of other Americans couldn't even handle. It's obviously very cold there, with harsh elements and strong winter storms. Howev...

Facts about SNAP Food Benefits

Millions of men and women in the United States are currently receiving benefits under SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. This program is considered a safety net for those who need assistance buying healthy food. The Food and Nu...

6 Ways You Can Save a Buck On Food

In this day and age, we've all found ourselves wishing we could save a little cash from time to time on food. There are times when a trip to the grocery store can seem like we need to take out a loan first. There are a couple of ways you...

Deadly Coronavirus Now Present in Every State Throughout the Country

It would appear as if the entire nation is now under the grip of the rapidly spreading coronavirus. Every state in the country now has confirmed cases with large metropolitan centers bearing the brunt of t...