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Great Reads for Good Food

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December Updates for Food Stamps

There are more people currently on food stamps in America than at any other point in the country's history. Even during the Great Depression, not this many Americans were on government assistance, and that goes for percentages, not j...

Easy Tips to Look and Feel Younger

Aging is unavoidable, but it brings different changes to the body. Many people are eager to keep their youthful glow for as long as possible. You can slow down how quickly your body ages and help maintain that youthful look a...

Food Stamps from The COVID Era Are Being Phased Out for Roughly 30 Million Americans

As the expense of life in the United States has risen, federal subsidies to help individuals pay for necessities have been phased out one by one. Emergency funding for a food assistance...

Instacart Revolutionizes Food Shopping by Accepting Food Stamps Nationwide

As of Thursday, August 10, Instacart has announced that they have made it possible for members nationwide to shop for groceries on their platform using food stamps, a move that will significantly b...

2020 Sees More Health and Wellness Options Than Ever

According to estimates, over half of America's population makes some sort of New Year's resolution in terms of wellness. Quitting smoking, giving up the drinking, and the most popular of all, losing weight and t...

Many Hospitals are Nearing ICU Capacity. Why is This a Critical Situation?

Nearly everyone is aware that the COVID-19 health crisis is causing a significant strain on the hospital capacity in areas all across the nation. With confirmed cases of the deadly virus surging almo...

Is Intermittent Fasting the Diet Plan for You? What You Need to Know

A recent study out of the UK is shedding more light on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. If you have been trying to shed some pounds with little success, you may want to consider this new trend in...

Exploring the Lessons Learned as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Looking back over the last year, it is clear that the world has learned some important lessons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis has put the spotlight on health and wellness whi...

Wellness: Amazing Tips for Boosting Mentally Fitness in Retirement

One of the main concerns people have about retirement is maintaining wellness. After all, retirement is a time when you are no longer required to go to work and can finally do what you want. This newfound fre...